Water turbine
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In this wiki, started on July 1, 2005, we are currently working on 953 articles.

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The Engineering Wiki

The Engineering Wiki's mission is not only to collect knowledge from an engineer's point of view, but also to create a community of engineers, engineering students, and other people with an interest in engineering.

The Engineering Wiki is fairly young at the moment. Please feel free to contribute, bookmark it, and be sure to check back later when more content has been added.

When contributing, focus your efforts on material specific to the experience of an engineer; we recommend that you avoid wasting effort creating general, encyclopedic content, which belongs on Wikipedia, and should simply be linked to or (with proper acknowledgment) copied, and then expanded on here.

User blogs[]

Κουτσουρελάκης Κουτσουρελάκης 23 December 2020

κουτσουρελάκης ωρλ

Ο κουτσουρελάκης ιωάννης ωρλ είναι διδάκτωρ του πανεπιστημίου αθηνών. Είναι ο γιατρός που μπορεί να σας βοηθήσει να αντιμετωπίσετε αποτελεσματικά κάθε διαταραχή της αναπνοής στον ύπνο. Αν θέλετε να απαλλαγείτε από το ροχαλητό και τις άπνοιες, επισκεφ…

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Robin Patterson Robin Patterson 10 August 2016

Engineering Week in New Zealand

Last Monday was the start of New Zealand's first "Engineering Week". It is designed to bridge a gap: an estimated shortage of over 500 newly-trained engineers per year.

In Wellington, four organisations combined to introduce 150 students to engineeri…

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Ashok Dodia Ashok Dodia 16 February 2011

hi sir

please publish your email / phone contact-ASHOK DODIA

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