Forums: Index > Help desk > Questions from a newcomer

I am new to Wikia AND Wikipedia. I would like to ask and know a few things, if some one can clarify my doubts.

1> What is the difference between Wikipedia and Wikia? Seems both have been started by same person. Is it to provide redundency OR is there a fundamental difference ?

2> Wikia has a category " Engineering " which aims to cover all branches of Engineering, but there seem to be other unrelated Wikia on Civil Engineering / Automation Engineering / Electronics. Duplication of Time and Effort?

3> Does Wikia Engineering intend to be more of the Practising Engineers Forum, to share the practical Experiences / Problems / Solutions as opposed to having Textbook Articles on Engineering topics. Are there other Practising Engineers Forums on the Internet, and can a ink be established with them?

4> Textbook Articles are also required, but at what level of Detail and Depth - Aimed at Under Graduate Engineering Student?

5> Have I just asked questions already asked and answered before?

ViswanathV 21:06, 16 May 2008 (UTC)

Please see Main page link below for information of the past discussions.

--Dore chakravarty 23:49, 17 May 2008 (UTC)